Thursday, December 6, 2007

BART Seeking Undergraduate and Graduate Student Representatives

The Bias Assessment and Response Team (B.A.R.T) is seeking undergraduate and graduate student representatives to serve on the team. Students need to have an interest in looking at and crafting responses to various issues of bias, including but not limited to bias based on race, sexual orientation, religion, gender, and disability. Students will be responsible for implementing ways to increase awareness about the specific issues of bias prevalent on OSU's campus, as well as serve as a sounding board for B.A.R.T decisions.

The team prefers students who are not overextended and/or have excellent time management skills due to the nature of the work and the potential for the time commitment to increase.

If you are interested, please submit your name, phone number, address, e-mail, and brief blurb about why you think you would be a strong student to have on the team (no more than three sentences) to Rebecca Lane ( no later than Thursday, December 6, 2007.

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