Friday, February 1, 2008

2008 Economic Communicators Contest

With a generous grant from the Market-Based Management Institute, the Association of Private Enterprise Education announces the second annual:

2008 Economic Communicators Contest

First Prize: $10,000

Second Prize: $5,000

Third Prize: $2,500

Judged by, among other people, Walter Williams.

Watch past winning videos!

The rules are simple: If you believe you are effective at communicating economic concepts we're looking for you! Contestants must submit:

1. A video clip of your teaching or speaking that is at least 5 minutes but no more than 20 minutes. You can submit a recording of a public lecture or simply a recording you make at home. The topic should be either an original idea incorporating economic concepts, or a great explanation of an existing idea in economics. The clip can be an excerpt of a longer talk.

2. An accompanying written work (published or unpublished) of 5,000 words or less. This can be an essay, chapter excerpt, or even PowerPoint slides. Anything that conveys your ability to persuasively communicate in written form.

This contest is open to anyone (e.g., assistant professors, graduate students, high school teachers) who does not have tenure at a college or university. Submissions will be considered by a panel of judges from APEE and the MBM Institute. The top three finalists will be invited to each make a 15-minute presentation during a plenary session at the 2008 APEE annual meeting, scheduled for April 6-8 in Las Vegas, Nevada, where they will be judged by a distinguished panel of communicators. Airfare and hotel accommodations will be provided, and finalists must be in attendance and agree to have their performances broadcast to win the cash prizes.

Our past winners had exciting ways of describing economic principles. The semi-finalists can be viewed on the MBM Institute's website (


  • NEW DEADLINE: All entries must be received by February 22, 2008.
  • Written materials and presentations must be in English.
  • Judges will assign a weight of 25% to the written portion and 75% to the video portion.
  • If possible, please upload video clips to a website such as If sending video tapes or DVDs, please send three copies of each, which will become the property of APEE. Please do not send videos as e-mail attachments. Computer clips on CDs must be viewable with Windows Media Player or Apple QuickTime and DVDs must be viewable on most DVD players. If contestants upload their clip to a website, please note the precise internet link in the contest entry. Officers and employees of APEE and the MBM Institute are ineligible.

Contact APEE Past-President Ed Stringham or Lea Krohn, Research Program Manager at the MBM Institute. Entries can be either e-mailed to Lea (if video is on the web) or mailed to:

Market-Based Management Institute
P.O. Box 8250
Wichita, KS 67208

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