Wednesday, January 9, 2008

PA TIMES Seeks Quality Articles

The PA TIMES, monthly newspaper of the American Society for Public Administration, is currently seeking quality articles for upcoming issues.

Articles must remain between 1000-1200 words, contain no references and adhere to the deadlines below. Authors need not be ASPA members.

If you have any questions or would like to see our author guidelines, contact me at Please pass this along to any colleagues you think may be interested in writing for the paper.

The 2008 PA TIMES Editorial Calendar is as follows:
Note: Items in parentheses are intended as subject ideas for monthly topics. Authors are not limited to these subjects and are encouraged to write in their specific areas of expertise

February: Activating Civic Engagement (Case studies/Encouraging participation/Making participation useful)Issue Travels to ASPA ConferenceDeadline for Articles/Advertising: January 22, 2008

March: Why a Public Service Academy?International Supplement: International Public Administration: Emerging Governments(Current trends/ASPA programs, What can U.S. administrators learn from other countries) Issue Travels to ASPA ConferenceDeadline for Articles/Advertising: February 20, 2008

April: Case Studies in State PA: What was the Defining Issue in Your State?(Ideas that are working/Burden sharing/Current challenges)ASPA Conference Coverage Issue Deadline for Articles/Advertising: March 20, 2008

May: Strategic Resource Management: Doing More with Less(Capital projects and infrastructure, Service delivery, Tax revolts and spending limits, information technology, downsizing)Deadline for Articles/Advertising: April 21, 2008

June: Balancing Personal Ethics and Public Duties (whistleblowing, religion in the workplace, balancing the roles of citizen and public servant, personal vs. professional ethics)Deadline for Articles/Advertising: May 22, 2008

July: Managing Contracts/Contractors(Getting best value from contractors, Nonprofit perspective on government contracting, Procurement issues, Contract administration issues)Deadline for Articles/Advertising: June 20, 2008

August: State of Emergency Management (Collaboration/What’s better, what’s worse/Success stories, How Hurricane Katrina helped California)Deadline for Articles/Advertising: July 23, 2008

September: Gender Issues in PA(What has changed, what remains the same?)Deadline for Articles/Advertising: August 22, 2008

October: Leadership Development and Succession Planning (Case studies or examples of actual leadership development programs or succession planning/Resources for leadership development or succession planning)Education Supplement: Evolving PA Education: Preparing Public Servants for the 21st Century (Homeland Security, Emergency Management, Technology, Communication, Are curriculums evolving fast enough, contract(or) management, dealing with non-governmental service delivery mechanisms) Deadline for Articles/Advertising: September 22, 2008

November: Changing of the Guard: How Do Administrators Handle Relationships with Newly Appointed/Elected Bosses?(Educating non-specialists, Balancing political leadership and professional standards, Dealing with short-timers)Deadline for Articles/Advertising: October 22, 2008

December: PA Success Stories(Current innovations, Telecommuting, Victories large and small)Deadline for Articles/Advertising: November 21, 2008

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